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                Jiang Zuojun went to Liaoning to carry out research on "scientific and technological innovation promoting high-quality development of equipment manufacturing industry"

                From July 4 to 7, Jiang Zuojun, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and Chairman of the Zhigong Party Central Committee, led the research team of the Zhigong Party Central Committee to carry out research in Shenyang and Dalian, Liaoning Province. Member and Deputy Secretary General of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Executive Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Zhigong Party, Zhang Endi, Member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Deputy Chairman of the Overseas Chinese Committee, Cao Hongming, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Zhigong Party, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and Deputy Director of the Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan Overseas Chinese Committee, and Lu Guoyi, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Zhigong Party, participated.

                Jiang Zuojun Attends and Addresses the Research Forum
                During the survey, Jiang Zuojun and his delegation met with Hao Peng, Secretary of the CPC Liaoning Provincial Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, Li Lecheng, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Liaoning Province, and others. Leaders from relevant departments in Liaoning Province, such as Gao Tao, Wang Mingyu, Yu Gongbin, Yu Xueli, Xu Guangwen, accompanied the research or participated in relevant activities.
                Jiang Zuojun Meets with Hao Peng, Li Lecheng and Other Relevant Leaders
                The research team has conducted in-depth research on Siasun Robotics Automation Co., Ltd., AVIC Shenyang Liming Engine Co., Ltd., AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Corporation Co., Ltd., BMW Brilliance Shenyang Tiexi Plant, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Company, etc., and has cooperated with the Liaoning Provincial Government, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Industry and Information Technology Leaders from relevant departments such as the Ministry of Finance will have discussions and exchanges.
                The research team investigated in Siasun Robotics Automation Co., Ltd
                The research team investigated in BMW Brilliance Shenyang Tiexi Plant
                The research team investigated in Dalian University of Technology
                The second is to lay out a number of regional science and technology innovation centers, and drive the high-end, intelligent, green and service-oriented equipment manufacturing industry with innovation by building innovative platforms such as State Key Laboratory and engineering laboratories; Thirdly, the central government should increase its special support for the major equipment manufacturing industry, such as establishing an industrial development fund; The fourth is to further improve the first set of policies for domestic equipment; The fifth is to strengthen the construction of the talent team, not only to establish a rich "collateral circulation" to introduce high-end scientific and technological talents, but also to cultivate a large number of craftsmen from major countries.
                Discussion between the research team and relevant parties in Liaoning Province
                Wang Xiaoyun, member of the Social Construction Committee of the National People's Congress, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of the Institute of Advanced Research of Tsinghua University, Xiang Qiao, member of the Environmental Protection and Assets Supervision Committee of the National People's Congress, academician of the CAE Member, deputy general manager of Aero Engine Corporation of China Co., Ltd., and deputy director of Taihang Laboratory, Zheng Yelu, minister of the Central Government Department of the Zhigong Party, Ren Hao, deputy director of the Central General Office of the Zhigong Party, Xiong Xiangzhong, deputy director of the Industrial Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, Wei Chijian, the second level inspector of the High tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Wang Zhen, the deputy director of the Equipment Industry Department I of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Wang Wenjun, the deputy director of the Second Department, and Chen Jiarong, Nan Yin, Chen Xianlong, Xu Guoxing, Shang rud, relevant experts from the Central Economic Commission and the Science and Technology Commission of the Zhigong Party, as well as relevant comrades from the Central Political Department of the Zhigong Party and the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Zhigong Party, participated in the research.